1 min readMar 30, 2023


In the same way that bashing people we disagree with over the head with facts or alternative opinions isn't likely to bring them over to "our side", ChatGPT being able to regurgitate info isn't likely to make human connection and understanding obsolete.

We offer more to each other in interpersonal ways than we realise. It's not just facts and perfect grammar that we seek from each other as writers, or as human beings as a whole... It's understanding, it's a voice, it's relating, it's connectedness.

There are all sorts of "silent things" that we contribute to each other when we interact that AI is having trouble even emulating. Sure, it'll improve over time, but my guess is the inhuman (or not-alive) nature of it will always give rise to this sense of something being "creepy." Or something like that.

I'm sincerely concerned about this myself, but, for me at least, I recognise different things about what it means to be human in different situations. The AI, while it might be an impressive and somewhat unnerving simulation of certain human functions, will just never be human.

No offense, robots!




Believe and Disbelieve Nothing. Philosophy. Technology. Unity. A futurist living in the present / /