Ah, this was my poor choice of words. I didn't read you as making that claim either - but, coming from a background of having people constantly tell me that it is static and Human Nature and all, I now plant flags wherever I can just to point out that we're not stuck there.
As for the tribalism... I wouldn't want to overcome it to the point of uniformity either. This is actually something I'm writing about currently and will be posting here, as I write about unity a lot and don't want it to be mistaken for uniformity.
I see it as being more practical to preserve and even to celebrate the massive variations on many levels in our species, but just to do away with, as I once heard it put, "the false assumption of separation."
"Once the pain of participating becomes greater than the pain of not participating – the change (might) happen. I do wish for it."
I'm with you on that one.
I look forward to talking with you again, and to reading more of what you've shared.
(obligatory) Long live Sapolsky!